Irene Lindsay | Board Elder
Irene Lindsay, is a
Wolf Clan descendant, she is originally from the Cree/Sioux community of Wakaw,
Saskatchewan. As a youth, Irene resided on One Arrow First Nations Reserve in
Saskatchewan. She is a survivor of St. Michael’s Residential School in Duck
Lake Saskatchewan. As a
young person she moved to Ottawa for employment, and later to complete her
schooling in nursing.
Her personal and
professional pursuits have consistently directed her toward activities that
help to enrich and complement the aspirations of Aboriginal people and
communities. She is particularly concerned with the unique challenges that face
Aboriginal women and children, and is committed to doing what she can to assist
them. One example of that commitment
is demonstrated by her work in establishing a group called, The Wisdom Keepers,
a Grandmothers Circle through the Minwaashin Lodge, the Aboriginal Women’s
Support Centre. She has also served on the Women’s Council for the Lodge for
four years and has been a board member for an Aboriginal Men’s Healing Lodge.
Irene is a guest
lecturer on Native Culture and traditions for university and high school
students in Canada. Her interest in giving back to her community eventually led
to a career in the helping profession, facilitating a Residential School
Survivors Circle, fund raising committees, numerous health video documentaries
to promote awareness of Aboriginal Health Issues, and assisting organizations
in developing culturally based programming which benefit all people in
accordance with Aboriginal culture and traditions.