Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

War Lake First Nation

Grant ID:

Healing to Build Family and Community

Project Description:

The Healing to Build Family and Community project will strengthen family relationships through activity-based training programs and storytelling to allow parents (many of whom are Survivors), children and community members to build strong, healthy relationships while overcoming the Legacy of Residential Schools. This program involves three initiatives including:

a) Adventure and Leadership Training offered at the War Lake Traditional Camp on Moosenose Lake.  This is a day-camp and wilderness (canoe trip) experience
b) Community Art and Leadership Training will use a variety of art forms to explore and express personal beliefs, emotions and strengths, and
c) Deliver Community History and Culture Workshops. The learning resources will increase the awareness of the intergenerational impacts of the residential school experience on families and relationships, reconnect with the collective wisdom of aboriginal parenting, realign themselves with a spiritual based perspective, and provide youth with the strength to do well and adults with the strength and discipline to be positive role models

All three components are designed to create intergenerational connections, healing and growth-focused awareness of Residential School history and impacts for youth, Elders, Survivors and parents. These components will also supplement 'hard skills' with 'soft skills' such as self-awareness and responsibility, work ethic, communication skills, leadership, self-esteem development, competency and mastery experiences. All components complement one
another and are fully integrated.

End Date:
March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution:

Primary Contact:

Mr. Ralph Brown
Project Coordinator
Tel: 204-992-2272
Fax: 204-288-4371

Organization Address:

General Delivery
Ilford, MB R0B 0S0
