Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

Conseil des Innus de Pakua Shipi

Grant ID:

Project Title: Niminueniunan (aller chercher notre bien-ĂȘtre)

Project Description: The project will continue the healing work undertaken during the first 3 years, by providing traditional and mainstream therapy sessions in order to address underlying issues resulting from the Legacy of Residential Schools, that hinder the individuals in their personal, familial, and social relationships. The project will offer individual, couples and family therapy sessions. The program has been developed through feedback and input from Survivors whom have participated in the program since its inception. 89% of the community members are descendants of Residential School Survivors.

End Date: March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution: $597,792.00

Primary Contact:
Madame Nicole Driscoll
Consultant pour les Services sociaux et la Santé
Tel: 418-947-2757

Organization Address:
C.P. 39
Pakua Shipi (St. Augustin), QC   G0G 2R0
